20th Stourbridge (Halfpenny Green) Air Scouts


20th Stourbridge (Halfpenny Green Air Scouts)

Air Scouting has the same Purpose and Values as any other Scout Group, and delivers the same Programme, but with an aeronautical  twist. In Air Scouting, air and aeronautical activities are used as the basis of delivering the Scouting Programme. Air Scouting was established in 1941, and celebrated it’s 75th anniversary in 2016.

Founded in 1964 Halfpenny Green Air Scouts have always been based at Halfpenny Green Airport (now known as Wolverhampton Business Airport). Originally just for boys the group has grown and flourished over the years and we now have both Beaver and Cub sections and we have a great mix of boys and girls. In recent years we have modernised our World War 2 building to include central heating, new kitchen, computer room, Archery range, 10m air rifle range and a bouldering wall. We have a large outdoor area for games, campfires and camping.

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  • Saturday
  • 10:00am to 11:15am
Beaver Scout Leader:


  • Saturday
  • 11:30am to 1:00pm
Cub Scout Leader:

Nick Burns


  • Sunday
  • 10:00am to 12:00pm
Scout Leader:

Mark Overton

Group Scout Leader:

Sarah Burns



Wolverhampton Business Airport
Crab Lane

Contact the Group

20th Stourbridge can be contacted using the form below. Please try to give as much detail as possible as this will help us to provide you with the right information.

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    The best time to to contact me is:
    In the morningIn the afternoonIn the evening

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