What we do

Scouting offers fun and friendship, challenge and everyday adventure to 400,000 girls and boys across the UK. We have a positive impact on young people, our 100,000 adult volunteers and the communities in which we live.

Internationally, we have over 28 million young people enjoying the benefits of Scouting across 216 countries. Personal development means promoting the physical, intellectual, social and spiritual well-being of the individual, helping them achieve their full potential. In Scouting, we believe that young people develop most when they are ‘learning by doing,’ when they are given responsibility, work in teams, take acceptable risks and think for themselves.

Offering over 200 different activities from abseiling and archery to drama, street sports and water zorbing, Scouting helps young people grow in confidence, achieve their full potential and become active members of their communities.

Join The Adventure…

Adventure is at the heart of everything we do. It is the single most important thing that sets Scouts apart.

It’s exciting being involved with us. We believe that through the everyday adventure of Scouting, young people and adult volunteers regularly experience new challenges that enrich their lives and meet lifelong friends.
We offer hundreds of activities, as diverse as Kayaking and Paragliding to Stage Performances and even building robots. There’s something for every young person, whatever their physical ability.

How our activities work


Every young person in Scouting enjoys a balanced range of activities, events and experiences, based around subject areas (programme zones) which cover a huge range of activities, from outdoor and physical pursuits to community involvement, creative expression and learning about the wider world.

Together we help Scouts get the most out of their Scouting experience by including elements from as many zones as possible within the activities on offer. And, the older they get, the more input young people themselves have in their own activity selection so that, over the Scouting process, they are enabled and given the self developed tools needed to take them from spending their first night away from home to more adventurous activities such as hiking across Poland with just a backpack and three friends.

Activities are an integral part of Scouting. But as well as being challenging physically, our activities help young people set and achieve goals and grow in confidence.