
Ages 18 – 25

If you’re 18 to 25 and still want to enjoy your Scouting you can join the Scout Network. As a Scout Network member you get to take part in all the usual fantastic Scouting activities like kayaking, climbing and orienteering as well as work on projects helping to support your local community all whilst continuing your own personal development and having fun.

You can also, if you choose, get more closely involved in working with the younger sections and providing them with the same kind of opportunities you’ve had through Scouting by volunteering.

If you’re moving away from home, for example to go to university, you can carry on Scouting through Scout Network (or as an adult volunteer) by informing your District Commissioner or similar that you are relocating. They will be able to put you in contact with the District Commissioner for the area you are moving to and pass them your details.

Sounds great! How can I join in?

Scout Network is run by the District, if you wish to enquire about places you can either email the District Network Scout Leader using this link or alternatively register your interest with District HQ here.