Beavers Promise

The Beaver Scout Promise

After attending meetings for a few weeks, members will make their promise as part of an investiture ceremony.

The Promise is a simple way to help young people and adults keep the Fundamentals of Scouting in mind. The Promise is the oath taken by all Members as they commit to sharing the values of Scouting. Whilst Beavers have a Promise and Motto, there is no Beaver Scout Law. The concepts of the Scout Law and an introduction to the values and purpose of Scouting are presented through the use of games, storytelling and other informal devices. Many members also renew their promise on an annual basis, traditionally at a St. Georges Day service, meeting or outdoor activity.

There are a number of variations of the promise to reflect the range of faiths, beliefs and attitudes; and nationalities in the UK within Scouting. Each version is written to be appropriate to the broad level of understanding of each of the age groups within the Movement. We believe that this approach is inclusive. Celebrating and understanding difference, including difference in faiths and beliefs, is an important aspect of the educational and developmental side of Scouting.

If you would like your child to make a specific promise, please discuss it with the leader.

Christian, Jewish and Sikh Promise

I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
and to love God

Hindu and Buddhist Promise

I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
and to love my Dharma

Humanist, Athiest or Non Faith Promise

I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
and to love our world

Muslim Promise

I promise to do my best
To be kind and helpful
and to love Allah

Other Alternatives

If another form of wording is required, the leader of your local Beaver Colony may be able to discuss this with The Scout Association’s Programme and Development Department.

The Beaver Scout Motto

Be Prepared

Beavers in Stourbridge


