District Team

District Team

We have an excellent District Team in Stourbridge led by our District Commissioner. The team is responsible for supporting, developing and enabling all District volunteers to deliver adventure and well structured programmes to the young people of Stourbridge and the surrounding areas. This is in line with our 2023 vision.

Below you will find the members of our District Team, to contact a member of the team please either click on their title to open your mail client or use the contact form here.

District Commissioner

Tim Castle

Deputy District Commissioner

Kelly Darby

Assistant District Commissioner Scouts

Stuart Floyd

Assistant District Commissioner Beavers

Darren Gregg

District Explorer Scout Commisioner


Air Explorer Scout Leader

Nick Burns

District Youth Commissioner

Oliver Preece

District Badge Secretary

Andy Nichols

District Cub Scout Leader

Andy Nichols

District Cub Scout Leader

Ben Jarrett

Adult Volunteer Local Training Manager

Lyn Price

District Chairman

Peter Thomason

District Secretary

Susan Jackson

District Treasurer

Aaron Hickman

If you would like to join the team and enjoy the fun, friendship and adventure of  Scouting, we would really welcome your support. You can work directly with young people or in a behind the scenes role as a team or individual. Prior experience or a connection with Scouting is not necessary and we welcome people from different backgrounds. Remember, you can decide how much or little time you give to Scouting.

Volunteer today and make a positive impact in your community.